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Functional Testing

Blood Test


This is advanced testing sent to an outside lab looking at your body in an innovative way to identify, then restore your balance and function. This testing is typically not covered by insurance.

Comprehensive Stool Analysis                                    $350

Includes interpretation and a plan of action based on your results.  Currently we use the stool test from doctors data. This is a synopsis of this testing, the information taken from their website:

“The Comprehensive Stool Analysis can help assess digestive and absorptive functions, the presence of opportunistic pathogens and to monitor the efficacy of therapeutic remediation of GI disorders.  Antimicrobial susceptibility testing to prescriptive and natural agents is also performed for appropriate bacterial and fungal species at no additional charge.”

Our colon and GI tract is central to our entire body’s wellness.  See their website for more detailed information at

Dutch Urine Cortisol and Hormone Metabolic Testing     $400

Includes interpretation and plan of action based on your results.  This is the most amazing and comprehensive urine hormone metabolism testing.  It shows us how you metabolize all of your hormones and the upstream and downstream metabolites. We also see a timeline of your cortisol levels during a 24-hour period. The following information is from there website at

“Identifying the root cause of chronic health issues is certainly correctable, but only if properly identified.  The DUTCH test was created to provide insight into many of these concerns, working to deliver the most complete assessment of sex and adrenal hormones, along with their metabolites, in on easy to administer test.  Our dried urine collection process is great for baseline measurements of women with hormonal imbalances and for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) monitoring.”

SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) Breath Testing $250

SIBO is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.  ​It can be good bacteria or bad bacteria that is imbalanced. It can be caused by multiple reasons including frequent antibiotics, abdominal surgeries, impaired stomach acid, impaired digestion, absorption or motility and multiple reasons.

It is tested primarily by breath testing.  You ingest a glucose solution and collect breath samples at various intervals.  These breath samples are collecting your exhaled methane and hydrogen levels.  When these levels are elevated, it is reporting that the bacteria overgrowth in your small intestine is digesting the glucose solution and rapidly releasing gasses produced form that glucose solution. 

This test indicates whether you have SIBO. Symptoms common with SIBO include gas, diarrhea, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pains, malabsorption of nutrients and other symptoms of malaise.

We are excited to offer these functional medicine tests

to provide more information as to the root causes of imbalance.

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